Cloud hosting
High Availability Cloud Servers
With cloud computing and hosting you can run powerful websites and applications at a fraction of the investment required for dedicated hardware.
There is no need to worry about bandwidth because our high speed, highly available network connection can cope with just about anything you want to throw at it. There is no long‑term commitment or sharing of resources and our cloud service is suitable for all types of business.
We offer a range of off the shelf operating systems and we can easily tailor a build for your need. We can even save builds and spin‑up multiple new servers based upon your saved templates.
If you need extra resources, that isn’t a problem either because you can expand and contract with ease. Buy and use what you need. We aim to achieve 100% customer satisfaction through our professional service and friendly support team.
Benefits of cloud computing
- Highly available – fully managed architecture
- Start, stop, suspend, build and manage VMs
- Multiple datacentres based in locations across Europe for fault tolerance
- Fast upgrades to RAM, processors or storage etc.
- Create images from existing builds
- No resource sharing
- High availability and high speed network
- Load balanced solutions easily available
Contact us for details of our cloud services.